Jesus made disciples. And he left those disciples with a mandate: go and make more disciples. He expected those he trained to do for others what he had done for them.
“Freely you have received. Freely give.” 1
But making disciples was not only for that first generation. It’s an ongoing mission that belongs to us as modern believers. Jesus has called his people to make disciples “until the end of the age”. 2
He expects us to follow him and help others follow him. He expects us to be disciples and make disciples.
Learn from the Best
Jesus was the original disciple-maker and he has called us to follow in his footsteps. So it makes sense to study how he made disciples.
Here are 3 principles from Jesus and the calling of his first disciples in Matthew 4.
1. Man in Motion
vs 17-18: “as he was walking along…”
vs 23: “Jesus was going about… teaching, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing…”
Jesus did not recruit disciples so he could start his mission. He started his mission and then invited others to join him.
2. Initiate the Relationship
vs 18, 21: “he saw them… he called them…”
Jesus was out in the regular places of life, looking for potential disciples and initiating the relationship. He did not wait in a sacred space for people to come to him.
3. Share Life
vs 19: “follow me”
The way Jesus trained others was to share himself. His life was the course they enrolled in. This is the most effective way to make disciples but also the most costly. You have to be authentic and available.
Reflect and Act
What do you think of these principles from Matthew 4?
Which one do you find most challenging?
How can you imitate Jesus in these ways?
Matthew 10.8
Matthew 28.18-20