Is Money the Root of All Evil?
“Money is the root of all evil.” So the Bible teaches.
Or does it?
This is a commonly misquoted scripture. Here’s the full text:
“The love of money is a root of all sorts of evil.” 1
Those extra words make a big difference. The Bible doesn’t teach that money is the root of all evil. It teaches that loving money puts us on a path that leads to many bad outcomes.
Scripture warns us to be careful when it comes to money. Not because it’s inherently bad but because it’s inherently powerful.
Money is like gasoline. It’s dangerous because it’s so powerful.
Handled the wrong way it can consume and destroy. Handled the right way it can be harnessed to improve our lives and do good in the world.
So how do you know if you’re handling money the right way? Here are 3 filters you can use to find out.
Save. Don’t hoard.
The difference between saving and hoarding has to do with allocation. If you’re storing up money for no clear purpose, you’re hoarding. This is love of money.
Give. Don’t be stingy.
Every person should give. A mentor once told me, “If you don’t give when you’re young and poor you won’t give when you’re old and rich.” Giving is the ultimate heart check. At stake is your character, whether you are a generous person or a selfish one.
Invest. Don’t just spend.
Money is a resource God has entrusted to us, similar to time and ability. God expects us to steward our resources, not wastefully spend them. Do you leverage your money or spend it?
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1 Timothy 6.9-10