The church in America has an image problem.
More and more people are disillusioned and cynical about it. For many the church is irrelevant. It doesn’t seem interested in tackling real problems. It doesn’t seem to offer real solutions. Instead of being a place to find life and restoration, the church seems uncaring and out of touch with the struggles of average people.
Others see the church as having a harmful influence on society. A place of hypocrisy and greed. A place of hidden abuse and manipulation. A place filled with judgmental and intolerant people.
Even among Christians there is widespread concern. Everyone seems to agree the church should be better and do more.
Why is the church failing in America?
Simple. It’s because the church is filled with people who are not disciples of Jesus.
Promoting discipleship and making disciples is not an important part of the church’s work. It is the church’s work.
The church as an institution is powerless. If a church is filled with people who have not been transformed by Christ, it has nothing to offer the world.
Most churchgoers today are discipled by culture, not Jesus. They have minds that have been conformed to the world around them rather than minds being renewed by the spirit of God and the word of God.
In reality the church in America has something much worse than an image problem. It has an identity crisis.
Who are we and why are we here?
Who are we?
We are the people who believe in and belong to Jesus.Â
Why are we here?
To follow Jesus and help others follow him.
We are disciples of Jesus who make disciples for Jesus.
All our problems start when we lose sight of this.