Five on Friday: God's Megaphone, Becoming More Creative, and Demystifying Inflation
Issue X
Every Friday I send an email with five pieces of content. These are things I’ve found insightful, inspiring… or just interesting.
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Here are five things from my week I thought were worth passing on.
Today at a Glance
Quote: God’s Megaphone
Tweet: Keeping Life in Focus
Article: Developing Your Creativity
Podcast: Money, Inflation, and the Economy
Bonus: Andrews and Burnett at Carnegie
One Quote
“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains; it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”
– C.S. Lewis
I wish it didn’t but this quote from Lewis fits with my observation and experience. Perhaps wisdom is simply a matter of paying attention to the whisper of God so he doesn’t have to use his megaphone so often.
One Tweet
I love this framing. So much of life is a matter of our perception and attitude. This was a great reminder for me this week.
One Article
Creativity Is a Process, Not an Event - James Clear
Creative thinking is more skill than talent. That’s what James Clear claims in this article. And this means creative thinking can be learned—or unlearned.
In the 1960s, a creative performance researcher named George Land conducted a study of 1,600 five-year-olds and 98 percent of the children scored in the “highly creative” range. Dr. Land re-tested each subject during five year increments. When the same children were 10-years-old, only 30 percent scored in the highly creative range. This number dropped to 12 percent by age 15 and just 2 percent by age 25. As the children grew into adults they effectively had the creativity trained out of them.
The article gives great insights and practical ways you can reverse course and become a more creative thinker. Solid read.
One Podcast
Money, Inflation, and the Economy in Simple Terms - The All-In Podcast #69
Apple Podcasts / Spotify / YouTube
Elon Musk seems to be everywhere in the news these days, mostly for reasons I find uninteresting. But this week in an interview he gave a 3 minute explanation of money, inflation, and what the economy is that I found both simple and helpful. Give it a listen.
If you want to hear the full interview you can access it by clicking one of the platform links above.
One Bonus
Julie Andrews & Carol Burnett at Carnegie Hall
In 1962 CBS aired a special featuring Carol Burnett and Julie Andrews. Watching these ladies perform at such an early stage of their careers is pretty cool. The Sound of Music didn’t release until 1965 and The Carol Burnett Show in 1967.
And who knew Burnett, famous for her comedy, had such an impressive voice! As for Andrews, as one comment put it: “Julie Andrews opens her mouth and it’s like an orchestra falls out.”
Personal Note
This past weekend my oldest son and I ran the Navy’s annual Bay Bridge Run. It’s a four mile route that takes you over Coronado Bridge, the only time in the year pedestrians are allowed on the bridge. The views are amazing!
Thanks for reading and if you like Five on Friday, please share it with others who might enjoy it too.
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